Nota App icon NotaABC

For your ABC tunes

Nota is a new app to manage your ABC tunes collection. Import, edit and play your tunes.

Nota app on the iPhone and iPad


[1.3] - 23 - Kilkee - 2024-04-18


  • Books management: you can now optionally group tunes into books
  • Levels: you can now optionally mark each tune with a confidence level


  • Sorting options are now persisted

[1.2] - 19 - Inisbofin - 2023-05-23


  • Multiple instrument: optionaly associate one or more instruments to each tune

[1.0.1] - 14 - Hollywood - 2023-05-23


  • Share ABC with system share sheet (email, airdrop, etc)
  • Print and PDF generation for single tunes
  • Print and PDF generation for the whole tunes collection


  • Instrument change is applied instantly, no need to switch tune anymore

[1.0] - 13 - Galway - 2023-04-08


  • Share online with public link


  • Unknown tune type speed now can be altered (Peter)
  • Hornpipe speed fixed
  • Adjusted default BPMs


  • Plus/Minus speed buttons now increment of 10, instead of incrementing “up to the next 10”
  • Demo tunes changed
  • Removed speed selector from archive browser

[1.0] - 10 - Anna from Fermanagh - 2023-04-21


  • Intro screen with demo tunes import (only first start)


  • Button for Audio preview instead of long press
  • New simpler icon


  • iPad navigaion works
  • BPM computation have been fixed for reels and jigs at least
  • Audio preview stressed audio now is really stressed (Peter)
  • Status bar colour is determind by palette (Ryan)
  • ABC preview is bigger (Ryan)
  • Paywall purchases
  • iPad export/recovery buttons no longer crash the app (Adele)
  • iPhone landscape UI is applied also at startup, when appropriate

[1.0] - 8 - Feakle - 2023-04-14


  • Audio is now available both stressed and flat, via Tools option
  • BPM is computed from the tune tempo when the Q: field is present
  • Import from archive also displays the tune rhythm
  • Import from tunebook lets you store the filename in the tune ‘r’ field
  • Paywall and IAP support (not visible in this beta)
  • San Francisco Font option
  • Tune tempo is saved on a tune type basis (ie:if you change a jig tempo, other jigs will be opened with that tempo, except those with and explicit Q field)
  • Review request after 50 tunes
  • Manual review request


  • Removed Quelity font for licensing issues


  • Zero tunes view on iPad is now centred
  • No more autocorrection on tune editor
  • Manually added tunes now generate Midi
  • Audio updates immediately after saving edited tune (no need to reopen detail)
  • Fixed a bug that skipped the X field when importing tunes fomr tunebook
  • Scrub working on fallback JS player


  • ABC/score selector is now in the nav bar (bagpie)
  • Can no longer navigate to other screens while importing

[1.0] - 6 - Ennis - 2023-03-30


  • Tunes list: preview audio with long press
  • Audio player, you can now scrub back and forth


  • Fixed tune learning date bug (Ryan, Adele)
  • Search field text color on dark theme (Ryan)
  • Audio player scrub bar (Eric) (please note that in some cases, like the import screen, the scrub still doesn’t work’)
  • Import from archve, with zooming the score it can go blank. (Peter)


  • Audio player now plays also with silence switch on
  • Increased the incipit size

[1.0] - 5 - Dingle - 2023-03-30


  • Tune previews/incipit.
  • Tune detail: Choose between score/ABC


  • Fixed some screen with dark theme
  • Settings picker numbers start form 1 (Adele)
  • Correct management of curly apostrophe (Adele)
  • Forcing line breaks for tunes without line breaks in the body (Peter)
  • Fixed some bugs when adding/pasting new tunes in editor (Peter)
Contact us for any info, suggestion or request!